The Cougar Times

The Garrison Union Free School
1100 Route 9D
Garrison, New York 10524
(845) 424-3689


Mrs. Rowe

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Garrison Middle School Students Ask for Less Homework

By Spencer

Garrison Middle School students are asking for less homework. Today a petition was circulated by middle school students calling for less homework. It has been signed by 42 students and counting. My classmates and I expect that the petition will be signed by most students in the middle school. Sometime this week the petition will be presented to Mrs. I by two 7th-grade students. I personally signed the document, because after talking to my fellow students, we all agree that the homework is way too much. This is especially the case for students who play a sport or have other after-school commitments. The student handbook says 45 minutes to one hour for a 6th grader and one hour to one and a half hours for 7th graders and at most 2 hours for 8th graders. The students who signed the petition have found that they are spending more than this estimate of time.


  1. A petition is a good way to get a conversation going about this subject. There are lots of different ideas concerning homework - not all teachers and principals agree. It's a good thing to gather information about and discuss.

    Best, Mrs. Prentice

  2. I love your blog! One thought I have re your petition: I wish the teachers would coordinate the amount of homework they assign. Some days there is homework in every subject on top of a GUFS sports event and the next day there is homework in only one subject. What do you all think?

  3. Great blog Spencer! Information was gathered 4 or 5 years ago when middle school parents met with Mrs. Colucci and Mrs I about this very topic (and other issues surrounding homework). Perhaps they can share that with you. Take a look at this article "Rethinking Howemowrk" as well

  4. Thanks for the Alfie Kohn link, Mrs. Jacoby!
