The Cougar Times

The Garrison Union Free School
1100 Route 9D
Garrison, New York 10524
(845) 424-3689


Mrs. Rowe

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's High School Decision Time!

By The Cougar Times Staff

Eighth-graders have a big decision to make in the coming weeks about which high school they want to attend.
Hear from eighth-graders about their choices:

For more information on the public high school choices, please click on the links below:

Haldane High School, Cold Spring

James I. O'Neill High School, Highland Falls

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Attention Artists: Cougar Contest!

The Cougar Times Student Newsblog wants a new look for its website banner. We're looking for someone to draw a face of a cougar, the Garrison School's mascot, to serve as the website's main symbol. The winner will have his or her drawing used prominently on the newsblog with credit and will also receive a giftcard from iTunes or Starbucks. The contest is open to all Garrison School students. Drawings should be completed on an 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper in pencil in black-and-white or color. Please hand in submissions to Art Teacher Mrs. Forrest by Friday, Feb. 13. The winning drawing will be selected by the Cougar Times staff. If you have any questions, please post below or come talk to me. Thanks, and good luck! -Nicklas, art & design director

Friday, January 9, 2009

What's your New Year's resolution?

Compiled by Chloe and Lianna

"Get better grades and improve study habits." -Kady, 8

"Recycle more." -Jake, 8

"Build gardens." -Nick, 8

"Get taller. A lot taller." -Simon, 8

"Less cursing and talking in general." -Libby, 8

"Be more environment-conscious." -Eryn, 8

"Be less crabby and agressive when I wake up." -Richard, 8

"Wear less makeup." -Tucker, 6

"Eat more chocolate." -Graydon, 8

"Read lots of poetry." -Jaswant, 7

"My New Year's resolution is not to have a New Year's Resolution." -Gus, 3

"Give up candy." -Sophia, 3

"Whiten my teeth." -Chloe, 8

"Make my hair less poofy." -Phillip, 8

"Get a girlfriend." -Matthew, 4

"Snag a babe." -Brianna, 7

Photo by Mrs. Rowe

Entertainment Center

By Simon

Must Read

The Supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer

Here's a fairly entertaining book for anyone who enjoys a good, action-filled, plot-twisting, sci-fi story. The book takes place in Satellite City, "The City of The Future," which, not surprisingly, takes place in the future. The story revolves around an orphan boy who was found as a baby on Cosmonaut Hill and sent to the Clarissa Frayne Institute For the Parentally Challenged where he was named, imaginatively enough, Cosmo Hill. At age 14, he realizes he has to get out or he will die soon from all the tests and experiments the staff puts him through at the institute. He finally makes it out and joins a group that fights supernatural creatures that only he and they can see. The book is a bit far-fetched at parts but is overall an interesting and fun story.

For more check out the Amazon page at

Must Watch

Flight of the Conchords, HBO
Yes, finally, the new season of Flight of the Conchords will be premiering on January 18. For those who don't watch the show (which is probably many), and for those who just want to touch up on their Conchords' knowledge, the show is about New Zealand's former fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo who move to New York City to become rich and famous. Although they struggle with their primary mission, they succeed in making friends (and enemies) and much more in the Big Apple. The show (obviously fiction) is more for those age 13 and older.