Nearly all of the 36 students in the Garrison School's eighth-grade class have their own cell phones, according to a survey by the Cougar Times. Many students in lower grades also carry cell phones.
Here are some of the types of cell phones and plans that students are using:
A Motorola Razr with unlimited texting and 500 minutes shared with siblings.
A Verizon LG Dare with unlimited texting and 500 calling minutes.
A yellow Verizon Chocolate with no texting and 500 minutes.
A Verizon EnV2 with unlimited texting and E-Z tip calculator.
A Verizon Venus with unlimited texting and camera.
A Samsung Verizon phone with unlimited texting to all Verizon phones and advanced Bluetooth.
A Verizon Venus phone with unlimited texting and calling and calculator feature.
An LG Dare Verizon phone with texting and web.
A Verizon enV2 with unlimited texting that can send more than 500 texts an hour.
A Chocolate Verizon with texting and web.
A Sony Ericsson w350i, AT&T phone with unlimited talk and unlimited texting.
The survey also found confusion over the rules governing cell phone usage at school. To help clear this up, we provide below the section on "Electronic Devices" found in the "Garrison Union Free School District Middle School Student/Parent Handbook:"
"Students are strongly discouraged from bringing cell phones, radios, beepers, CD players, laptops, cassette players, MP3 players (iPods), headphones, electronic games, laser pens/pointers, and other electronic devices as they are a distraction. Once students have arrived at school, all these devices must be put in students' lockers. Students, however, may use Walkman-type devices (with headphones) on the school bus on the way to and from school and during their own recess times. If students are using any of the other devices during the school day, they will be taken away and returned at the end of the school day. Students are responsible for any or all electronic devices. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items."
Here are some of the types of cell phones and plans that students are using:
A Motorola Razr with unlimited texting and 500 minutes shared with siblings.
A Verizon LG Dare with unlimited texting and 500 calling minutes.
A yellow Verizon Chocolate with no texting and 500 minutes.
A Verizon EnV2 with unlimited texting and E-Z tip calculator.
A Verizon Venus with unlimited texting and camera.
A Samsung Verizon phone with unlimited texting to all Verizon phones and advanced Bluetooth.
A Verizon Venus phone with unlimited texting and calling and calculator feature.
An LG Dare Verizon phone with texting and web.
A Verizon enV2 with unlimited texting that can send more than 500 texts an hour.
A Chocolate Verizon with texting and web.
A Sony Ericsson w350i, AT&T phone with unlimited talk and unlimited texting.
The survey also found confusion over the rules governing cell phone usage at school. To help clear this up, we provide below the section on "Electronic Devices" found in the "Garrison Union Free School District Middle School Student/Parent Handbook:"
"Students are strongly discouraged from bringing cell phones, radios, beepers, CD players, laptops, cassette players, MP3 players (iPods), headphones, electronic games, laser pens/pointers, and other electronic devices as they are a distraction. Once students have arrived at school, all these devices must be put in students' lockers. Students, however, may use Walkman-type devices (with headphones) on the school bus on the way to and from school and during their own recess times. If students are using any of the other devices during the school day, they will be taken away and returned at the end of the school day. Students are responsible for any or all electronic devices. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items."